Original title: key enterprises in the machinery industry resumed work, accounting for more than 50%, and some of them switched to epidemic prevention materialsAccording to the latest statistics of China Machinery Industry Federation yesterday (18th), the resumption of work and production of China's machinery industry enterprises has increased rapidly, of which the resumption of work of key enterprises accounts for more than 50%.According to the survey of China Machinery Industry Federation, less than 5% of the enterprises in the machinery industry resumed work before February 10. As of the 18th, there were 6462 key enterprises in 18 industries of the machinery industry, and 3304 enterprises resumed work, accounting for 51.13%. Among them, the resumption of work in automobile and other industries accounts for more than 60%.

Chen Bin, executive vice president of China Machinery Industry Federation: according to our current survey, the mechanical industry has a return to work rate of more than 60% (and) the electrical and electrical industry, general machinery industry, internal combustion engine industry, refrigeration and air conditioning industry, food packaging machinery industry, plastic machinery industry and cultural office supplies industry.China Machinery Industry Federation pointed out that there have been many highlights in the resumption of key enterprises. For example, some key enterprises quickly switch to the production of epidemic prevention materials such as masks, protective clothing and disinfectants.

Article source: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1658929446357108866&wfr=spider&for=pc